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30% Refund From ExtraIncomeDear members, This is Phil Whitaker, admin of ExtraIncome. As you all know, ExtraIncome was closed due to my personal problems. Now, all my problems solved and I want to refund my members who lost via LibertyReserve. I already issued some refunds to AlertPay before but now I can't, because I don't have access to my AlertPay account (it's blocked). I can't refund 100% and not 50% too. I can refund 30% to every member who lost via LibertyReserve according to our current reserve funds available. Please note that you must create an API of our refunds system in your LibertyReserve account so that I can refund you after I approve your request. Step-by-step instructions on how to create the API are provided here: 1) Login to your LibertyReserve account 2) Click on "Merchant Tools" 3) Click on "Create new API" 4) Enter the following details: API Name: EXSystem Security Word: Refunds30 5) Check ENABLED 6) Check TRANSFER 7) Check BALANCE 8) Enter your Master Key and click "SUBMIT" After you finish following the instructions above, please send me an email to phil.extraincome@yahoo.com, or simply reply to this email, with the following details: your username in ExtraIncome, your LibertyReserve account number, and PROOF of your deposit to ExtraIncome, including the amount that you lost. After I approve you and enter your details, our system will process your 30% refund automatically, directly to your LibertyReserve account. Please spread the word around, regarding the 30% refund I give to my valued ExtraIncome members. Regards, Phil Whitaker |